
New Supermemo does Kanji justice

I really didn't think he'd every come up with the high-res version, but here it is.

Nothing else exciting, and he still uses some graphic mode rather than just using the text facilities on the palm (and as such, you can't choose which system font to use--on my clie it's not the best/biggest one). But it's great to finally be able to use palm supermemo with Japanese without having to guess what you're looking at.

Grab it from http://www.mapletop.com/supermemo/new.html


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the hi-res version is very good when compared with the old version.
This is the best tool to practise kanjis so far.

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering if one can use a Palm to write Kanji. Or is it only kana/romaji input? I'd really would like to have a kanji identified without the impediment of having to spell out each radical. Much thanks.


12:18 PM  
Blogger Xaverius said...

Hi, there is a new program that works just like supermemo, the differences?, it allowes you to put images on your flashcards (that makes a lot more justice to the kanji than the hi res version of SM), it also has japanese characters support (in hi-res) without having to use J-OS, the best feature is that its totally FREE, its called TWINKLE, you can get it from:


I was wondering if you can create a database of the 2000 kanji using images so that they could be beautifully displayed, hope this interest you =)

4:55 PM  
Blogger Alejandro said...

Hi... I have been researching all over the net about how to create a palm database with japanese characters from the edict (I am using the microsoft access version). But there is very little information about it. I realize that you have done so, can you give a hint?

2:48 AM  
Blogger Pedro said...

the Hi-Res support is a bit of a joke right? I mean, the fonts look OK but are still small .... :/ if you make them double width and double height they look awfully pixelated or is it just me?

5:14 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

I've been trying to create a pdb with kanji using smconv.exe and it just doesn't seem to like it. The Heisig database works fine. How did you do it?

10:15 PM  

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